It doesn’t have to be just a Gemini that waits for the other shoe to drop, when offered a variety of dubious choices. And I always expect for the other shoe to drop, because nothing’s ever THAT good, or that free, or that available, to anyone. We’re advised to turn over every rock, so that we know what’s underneath. To always be guarded, suspicious, questioning motives. If you’re not, you’re fucking over yourself, and no one should be that dumb. That naïve.
For half a minute, I once thought Mitt Romney, of my native state, was that dumb. A college-educated guy. Wealthy, powerful, charismatic to some, (not me) and seemingly ready for any attack. So, I’m hoping that he knew exactly what Trump had up his sleeve, when he dangled a plum White House job in front of him, years ago. (“Can you say ‘tactical’, boys and girls?”)
Regarding my Gemini reference, and I’ve said this to others, as much as I love my zodiac sign, never in a million years would I want a Gemini, woman or man, running the Oval Office.
Everyone’s right; we DO get bored, or impatient, with the same thing. Granted, we’re pragmatic to the simple facts of life, and adhere to them. Go to school. Get a job. Learn how to drive, and safely. Wash your hands. Do housework. Pay your bills. Think of others needs, too. Expect that not everyone’s gonna like you. Assure your boss you’re reliable every day. Read a newspaper. Make a medical check-up appointment.
Very, very basic parts of life.
Running a country, and working hard to make that country proud of you? Not an easy thing. I get that. But don’t tell the country you’re in charge of that you’re tired of dealing with a pandemic. This is what you signed up for. Sorry, but you don’t get to be bored. That’s the caveat.
You want the power to ‘do whatever you want’? You also have to take the responsibility (publicly) of what you do FOR your country. Another caveat.
I’ve always liked that word, caveat. I’ve always been the sort to want to know what’s under that ‘rock’. When that shoe’s gonna drop. I’d never be Charlie Brown to Lucy. (Oh hell, no!)
Another caveat, in writing? Exactly what any intelligent person would advise: ‘Don’t quit your day-job’. Yah, unless I bank a sweet publishing deal, contracts, sizeable check and all, I ain’t walkin’ away from a reliable income.
“Danger, Will Robinson! There’s a Gemini in the White House! Danger! Danger!”